Our Teachers

Christa ladny

Christa has been exploring ceramics since she first took a sculpture class in 2005. She was endeared by clay’s capacity to mirror the inner and often unconscious worlds of others who put their hands to these humble lumps of dirt. The incredibly tactile experience of transformation possible through this medium has been an invaluable source of healing and playfulness in her life. She received her BFA in visual art from UMBC and her professional internship in scenic art at Center Stage. She works as a scenic artist and teacher in the Baltimore/Annapolis area. She likes yoga, poodles, forests, and aerial dance.

Ellen sadler

Ellen is a potter, illustrator, and merchandise designer with a BFA in Ceramics from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. She combines her passion for drawing with her love of clay to create functional ware decorated with her own unique images. Her work pulls inspiration from nature, focusing heavily on animals.

Dani Krahe

Dani is a ceramics teacher by night and a medical student by day. She learned to wheel throw and started teaching in Pittsburgh during the COVID pandemic and hasn’t been able to stop since. Her favorite creations are meticulously painted by hand with underglaze and are also frequently inspired by her two black cats Pickle and Morticia.

Andrew goldstein

Andrew is an experienced potter hailing from the Washington, DC area. After receiving his undergraduate degree in Ceramics from Wittenberg University, he continued his education in Western Michigan, spending another year apprenticing under Master Potter, Peter Johnson. Andrew has enjoyed owning, running & being the head of teaching staff at ANG Pottery for since 2010.

Thus far, Andrew's ceramics career has been devoted to functional pottery with a whimsical flare and an affinity for the eccentric! He is a fun and passionate teacher, and also enjoys brewing the beer and cider that we produce and serve on site at our studio!